Pastor Mauro Rojas
Mauro accepted the call to pastoral ministry over 10 years ago and attended Grace International to pursue his Pastoral Ordination.
In 2017, Pastor Mauro became the Assistant Pastor of REACH Worship Center and when previous pastors Alfred and Melvina announced their retirement Pastors Mauro and Rosa Rojas assumed the Senior Pastor positions.
January 1, 2018. Pastor Mauro concluded his 3 year studies in Theology and Ministry program at Throneroom Bible and Ministry Institute under the tutelage of his Spiritual Father Apostle Dr. Erick Ampah. Pastor Mauro has an anointing that allows him to minister to those who are lost and in need of healing of the mind, body, and soul. With such great calling to fulfill he finds time to visit the sick, make calls to members, conduct bible study for prison inmates and spends time in prayer and studying Gods word. He is supported in ministry by his wife of 28 years, Pastor Rosa.

Rosa Rojas
A devout child of God, Rosa has served as a women’s and children’s ministry leader for over 20 years.
She is passionate about her faith in Jesus and can testify to the healing power of Jesus. She was Supernaturally healed from depression and anxiety by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Now, she is dedicated to empowering, encouraging, and equipping the community to faithfully walk in the Power and Authority of the Holy Spirit. She desires to use her God-given gift to glorify God fully.
Pastors Mauro and Rosa have been blessed with four sons: Mauro Daniel and daughter-in-law Ariana, Antonio, and Maria, Jesse, and David. They currently have five grandchildren. They all fully support and serve in ministry to advance the Kingdom of God.
what we believe
The sole basis for our belief is the Bible, which is uniquely God-inspired, without error, and the final authority on all matters on which it speaks. As the Bible teaches, there is one God and creator of all who reveals himself to mankind as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God created humans to have fellowship with Him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own way. As a result, we need God’s saving grace to end our alienation from Him.
Salvation comes only through God’s grace - not human effort - and must be received personally by repentance and faith. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. This accomplished salvation is for all who receive grace by trusting in Him alone. He rose from the dead and is the only mediator between God and us. He baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ and equips believers for personal growth and service to the church. The church’s role is to glorify God and serve those in need. Only born again believers will enjoy eternal fellowship with GOD.